The Journey of A Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step #OBR #FBF Sept 19th


I opened a link from GlobalSportsJobs and the next page that opened read:


“#ifyoudiedtomorrow …could you say?”  my heart skipped a beat, I scrolled down as per the prompt and the third insert read:

“If your number was up, and you were looking back at your life, would you have regrets?”

Before landing on the www.volvooceanrace website, I had no regrets. I was content, living the best life possible and pushing myself to new heights with every project. I had taken my first step after reading three inserts on the OBR page, the decision was made. This was it for me!

Making the decision was easy, the next hurdle was “how am I going to provide the requirements (video, photos & edit) .Before landing on the Volvo Ocean Race website, all my equipment and gadgets were stolen, they took everything and left a tripod and a shotgun microphone.

I had a dream with no means of realizing it, I spoke to a couple of industry colleagues from South Africa and they agreed to lend me a camera and a laptop. I made sure I had plan A and B just in case.

On the day of the shoot, plan didn’t materialize as they had a LIVE broadcast so they needed the cameras. At this point I was almost in tears but I took it like a soldier and moved on. Within hours, I opted for plan B which offered me just a DSLR body with no lenses.

As luck would have it, plan B did not materialize. I wasn’t as disappointed after plan B failed, I was more determined than ever. All I could think and dream of was capturing footage on the race, nothing else mattered.

Though I was down and out, I figured the next option was to use everything I have to record the video. I took my smartphone and my Rode mic and I was off to record the clip.

On the morning of submission, I questioned whether I should submit or not due to the poor quality of my content. I watched it a couple of times and though I spoke from the heart, it still wasn’t enough for the role I am pursuing.


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